divendres, 24 de gener del 2020

Important information for the morning group.

Next Friday we start the conversation classes. Since this week we have oral exams I may not be able to contact some of you to explain it. Therefore, I am publishing it here and also I'll try to contact you via mail.


January Friday 31st
February 7th, 14th
From 9h 15'am to 10h45'am

Yolanda Alcober
Anna Altadill
Marta Borràs
Adrià Bustamante
Lola Elvira
Meritxell Fernández
Daniel Fuentes
Olga García
Fàtima Hidalgo
Cipriano Mansilla


January Friday 31, February 7th, 15th
From 11am to 12h30'pm

Teresa Felip
Sergio Martínez
Mercedes Martínez
Rubén Merchante
Pilar Noguera
Marta Paños
Santiago Pozo
Ivan Sanz
Amarildi Tomori
Josepa Vila

NOTE: It is not possible to change the dates of the conversation classes. However, it is possible to change group. If you want to change group get in contact with me before next Friday.


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